Thursday, 11 June 2015


Overall, my interactive CV was a success. Despite being a long and confusing process, after my work deleting, I plucked the courage to work on it alone at home, learning new things. I wanted to try to mimic the themes of my plan and previous CV that got deleted, and I believe that I successfully achieved that by simply following the same layout design, colors, and fonts.
Here is my full timeline of my interactive CV that I have created. Throughout this process I discovered how to get items to move simultaneously, simply by placing the key frame where other desired items may start. You can see that on the timeline I've included that a lot where the timeline is blue and green. And on the video this makes the letters move on and off the screen together, making it look neat, but mostly more fun to look at!
In order to keep my color theme, I used the color tool in which I can save created colors that I wanted to be used throughout my CV, by simply adding it to the color palette.
Because my CV is animated around the text, I had to use basic text tools which were sizing the font, in which I changed mostly to 104px, and changed the font to 'Crafty-girls, sans-serif', which I believe best represented my personality.

Throughout this process, I also had to import a picture from my computer which was very straight forward, I simply clicked 'file' in the top left hand corner, then Import.

I watched a video to remind me how to use code for this software, in which I learnt once again how to embed videos or a website link etc on demand when I want to. Here I made my CV quite lighthearted, by guiding the viewers where to click in order to find out more about me. However, in order to make it slightly more animated, I created a key frame for the letter R to change color, which I believe made it stand out, making it the point of attention. Using my initiative I thought how could I interpret my skills into my work to highlight key points of my interactive CV.
Coding was quite simple after looking at a tutorial on how to do it. In order to create some form of interactivity on the 'Click Here' part of the CV, I opened action's on 'BLUER' simply by clicking on the brackets on the workshop timeline. I then had several actions that I could choose from. I chose 'Click', which will then guide the viewer onto my personal blog to find out more about me (as you can see the link in the code box).
In order to publish this to make it view-able on the web I had to make sure that the publish settings were set on 'Web'. That way, I've been able to save it as a video, which is in a format suitable for HTML. That is how I've been able to also upload the video onto this actual blog. I then published and saved.
Overall, I've used a range of my skills and knowledge and learnt several more throughout in order to create this fun and interactive Curriculum Vitae. I've managed to keep the main themes of my plan and stuck to 3 main colors which I think best represent me. The interactivity and constant movement on my CV makes it more interesting and fun for viewers to look at.

Final CV

Monday, 11 May 2015

Production Log

In order to embed a video I got the embed code from youtube and pastes it into the code box. On the plus icon I then clicked 'Play' On 'Click', so when someone wants to watch the video all they have to simply do is click on it.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Task 2.2 Complete- CV Homepage Sketches- Two Visual Styles

For this homepage I imagined it being more simple, but more dynamic in terms of the colours etc.
On this example for my homepage I Imagined that It could have my first Name written across the screen in large writing, and vector based flowers fade in a appear each at a time, and each letter of my name bounces up and down, opposite to the letter next to it so it has a repetitive motion.

Two Visual Styles
 One style could be dynamic and colourful in terms of the background, font, text, and animation. I like this because it does really express who I am as a person, however I'm driven more toward the simple visual style, which perhaps is shown on the second homepage sketch. Reason being, because I personally thing that it looks more neat, and I can also add as much animation as I want without any of the pages looking too overcrowded.

Tast 2.2 Navigation Diagram

Navigation Diagram
Sound Research
Throughout my CV I don't think there'll be any ongoing music. However, on the third page which consists of my interests, there'll be a section of videos throughout that'll play music when clicked on/played.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Production Log

Here is the creation process of my Animated Curriculum Vitae. I've tried to use my original plan as a template for my creation, which is helping me with the progress.
So far, I've made the front page of my interactive CV, which is very similar to my plan. The text on the front moves almost near to how I imagined it to.

I've slightly changed the colours of the text, as something bright on the first page will hopefully catch attention.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Colour Scheme

These are some potential colours that I'll mainly use throughout the creation of my CV.

Here are some Ideas of logos

CV Inspirations

Here are some Interactive CV's that I found on youtube that I was inspired by:
They're all quite simple but they all include several forms of interactive animation which is a great way of showing straight away, skills that have been learnt, especially using Edge Animate.

CV Sketches

The first page of my interactive CV could have large writing which states my name. I imagine this ascend up on the screen, so there's a form of animation right away which would make it look more exciting. 

On the second slide, I imagined having a vector image of a calendar to make it quite visual.

The fonts that I might use will probably be: The maximum number of fonts that I'll use is 2 or 3...One for the titles of each page, perhaps one for the Sub-heading/title and one for any additional information.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Legal and Ethical Issues

Ways that the media can influence individuals:

The media can influence individuals through magazines, advertisements such as billboards or television adverts. These can change the ways that the public behave. These can influence people either positively or negatively. Through marketing they target specific audiences in order for a product to appeal to them, such as video games which range from children to adults.

In many ways the media is driven by society however, in order for the media to be driven by society the society must in many ways be influenced and represent the ideas that are shown through the magazines, therefore it is a repetitive cycle.

My initial response to the videos of beheadings being shown around Facebook is quite shocking. Personally, Facebook isn't a reliable source, secondly, I know that these sort of videos should be only on the news. The fact that these videos aren't censored gives the public to have their own views and opinions rather than being influenced by the media which is good, however certain things should not be allowed on social media sites. These videos do overshadow the deeper meaning behind these videos, and the fact that it is being allowed could perhaps be a way for the government to allow the audience to only see the bad sides of these countries, which hides the relation between the issues in the videos and the western government. By having these videos shown, the people tracking these sites are having people think a certain way which guarantees mass mindset control.

Personally, if certain things were being hidden from people to see I would think that is wrong, people should have a freedom of speech, and opinions. If you don't want to see something you don't have to, if you know the risks of seeing graphic content, you don't have to continue to use the websites. Facebook is obviously apart of the internet and the internet is a free, opinionated and can be quite an offensive place, therefore if you're aware of these issues and the unreliability of Facebook and other social media sites, then simply get off. Thus, these videos will only appear on your 'Facebook Timeline' depending on which of your friends share the post, if the situation seriously offends someone, they would have to simply reconsider their 'friend' list.

"We know from evidence that [watching] such material can influence self-esteem in a very negative way. It can also cause flashbacks, nightmares and sleep disturbance. If that is prolonged it can transfer into many other negative effects in a child and adults as well such as anxiety-related disorders and panic attacks."

Again, if you're on the internet you're already vulnerable but you are putting yourself up for it anyhow. Depending how you deal with these things is personal. I do agree that certain things should have age restrictions, however if a child ends up on one of these dodgy websites, that's down to dodgy parenting! If you don't like something, you don't have to see it.

Monday, 2 February 2015

CV Planning Task 2.2 MoodBoards

Images - Globes, Different Softwares, Calendar (for my birthday)
Font - Comic Sans MS
Colour: Pink, Purple.
Videos or music: Acoustic or Instrumental Justin Bieber song.
Pace: The pace of my CV overall will probably vary throughout, I want the reader to be able to read it at a realistic pace. I imagined mine being like a video CV where it guides itself through each slide so the reader doesn't have to do much. However, at the end I'll possible include some actions where they can repeat the cv again, or pause on a page or perhaps, click on an image or my CV logo to contact me.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Uses of Web Animation

Types of Web Animation:
Web Animation is seen on Google Chrome homepage, when they're advertising a special occasion. (Google Doodle)
It's obviously used when gaming or playing games.
The mouse cursor is also a form of animation.
Loading screens (buffering signs) are animation, which is used to indicate functionality on a computer.
Advertisements, such as pop-ups, or web banners.
Scrollbars and tabs are also animation. Though they're pretty simple, they're all types of animation.

Here is an example of the elements when Canvas is being used.
WebGL (Web Graphics Library) uses JavaScript, which allows you to create 3D animation on a webpage that allows it to run smoothly with interactivity, on a website, it works on websites when a canvas is added to the HTML section, which allows interactivity on a certain part of the site.

Youtube allows interactivity on the majority of the website. On this page of 'Justin Bieber's Confident' video, there is a whole load of interactivity. On the actual video, you can click play or pause. When you move the cursor over the video, instantly the timeline of the video appears. This graphic would've probably been created on Adobe Illustrator (or CSS), therefore it's most likely a vector graphic which allows fast loading and smoother images. It it saved and exported as a PNG file 

Met Office:

Dumb Ways to Die:

The front page of the website includes a huge amount of DHTML. The background has several moving images which actually allow you to click on them. As there's a deep amount of graphics on this website, it is likely that they're Vector graphics, which allow a faster loading process. 

Monday, 12 January 2015