Monday, 20 April 2015

Task 2.2 Complete- CV Homepage Sketches- Two Visual Styles

For this homepage I imagined it being more simple, but more dynamic in terms of the colours etc.
On this example for my homepage I Imagined that It could have my first Name written across the screen in large writing, and vector based flowers fade in a appear each at a time, and each letter of my name bounces up and down, opposite to the letter next to it so it has a repetitive motion.

Two Visual Styles
 One style could be dynamic and colourful in terms of the background, font, text, and animation. I like this because it does really express who I am as a person, however I'm driven more toward the simple visual style, which perhaps is shown on the second homepage sketch. Reason being, because I personally thing that it looks more neat, and I can also add as much animation as I want without any of the pages looking too overcrowded.

Tast 2.2 Navigation Diagram

Navigation Diagram
Sound Research
Throughout my CV I don't think there'll be any ongoing music. However, on the third page which consists of my interests, there'll be a section of videos throughout that'll play music when clicked on/played.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Production Log

Here is the creation process of my Animated Curriculum Vitae. I've tried to use my original plan as a template for my creation, which is helping me with the progress.
So far, I've made the front page of my interactive CV, which is very similar to my plan. The text on the front moves almost near to how I imagined it to.

I've slightly changed the colours of the text, as something bright on the first page will hopefully catch attention.