Monday, 3 November 2014

Edge Animate

Creating Code on Actions

 In order to make another shape disappear on the click of another shape you have to generate codes.
 You first have to have the second shape (Rounded Rectangle) to 'Hide' on 'stage'. Therefore it wont appear when you first view the website.
Then, on 'click' you have to 'Hide an Element' and 'Show an Element'. The purple 'Ellipse' will 'hide' and then the 'Rounded Rectangle' will 'show'.

In order to reverse this effect so that when you click on the 'Rounded Rectangle' it'll hide and the 'Ellipse will show, you have to do the opposite. So on click You have to 'Hide an element' which would be the 'Rounded Rectangle', and then the 'Ellipse' will 'Show'. Then it becomes a repetitive pattern.

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